Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Who Do You Listen To?

It happened again–one of my students wrote to say he was struggling. He wasn’t struggling with his site, neither was he struggling with some marketing issue.

He was struggling with his sister.

It seems his sister–a nurse by trade–had just seen his online presence for the first time and recited to him a litany of reasons why his site would fail. Without actually saying the words, she implied he was stupid for trying.

He wrote me ready to give up.

This same scenario is played out every couple of weeks–one of my students writes to say how Aunt June told them all the reasons why they would never make money online.

Of course Aunt June has never made any money online herself, probably has never even tried. But in the absence of an opposing opinion, the budding online entrepreneur ends up discouraged and ready to give up.

I’ll bet you have been there: Your spouse, parent, brother, child, workmate, neighbor or best friend assures you failure is immanent. Here is how I know they are wrong about you:

Unlike all of these other people, I actually make money online. I have one of the most visited sites on the Internet. I know EXACTLY what it takes to be successful and I can tell you right now you CAN do it.

All it will take is some determination and perseverance.

So, let me ask you: Who are you going to listen to today– the hordes of people who think they know about online success or those of us who have actually done it?

Yup, I thought so. Now back to work!

My friend Brian King has put together a series of helpful (and often witty) sayings I think might just help you stay motivated. You can grab a copy here:


Kevin Bidwell is owner of

Kevin just finished a complete report on building a passive
income. Grab your copy here:


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