Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Who Do I Call

The last couple of weeks have been a very interesting time to say the least. I spent a wonderful week with my children and grandchildren week before last. The last eight days have been spent trying to cast out the evil flu demon that I caught while I was there.

Working from hone is a wonderful experience but it has it’s drawbacks as well. There was no one to call to take over while I took a vacation. There was also no one to call last week when I could hardly even crawl to my computer, much less type on it.

Don’t get me wrong, there is nothing like working at home. I truly enjoy it and look forward to work each day. There are just times that you wished the bosses phone number did not ring at your house.

Of course I had some wonderful help about mid week when my list server went down for about 60 hours. Then there was the friendly soul who told me how big a jerk I was for sending out two issues on Friday. I don’t think I would have made it through without that encouragement.

To give my readers five issues last week, I also sent out an issue on Saturday. This brought more joy as one of my subscribers said I had ruined his whole weekend. I of course was overjoyed to learn that I had such power. I hate I ruined his weekend but what the heck, I am one powerful son of a gun to be able to accomplish such a task just by sending out a single issue.

On Sunday, I had a subscriber that obviously thought I was in need of more encouragement. He wrote to say that he could not remember the last time that I had actually written an article for my own ezine. He said that I had been writing two or three articles a week and the last two weeks there had been a total of two. He said that was unacceptable.

I started thinking back and he was right, I could have squeezed in another article each of the last two weeks. I remember a day the first week that I did not have any of my grandchildren jumping on me for at least 10 minutes. I should have used that time a little more wisely.

Or there was the night that we tried sending the kids to bed early. We decided we wanted the adults to get a few hours together without kids. We sat up talking until five am. There was those two hours between five when I went to bed and seven when my six year old grandson wrestled me from the bed. I could have just stayed up those two hours and put out an article.

I also admit that last week, I actually got out of bed on Tuesday for about thirty minutes. My wife was actually sicker than me and I got up to fix her something to eat. Thinking back on it now, I could have sit down and pumped out something while I was cooking.

There was also Thursday when I actually got food to stay down for the first time in five days. My wife said that I looked like I had only been dead for a couple of days now. That was a big improvement over the month that she had referred to on Tuesday when she saw me last.

I am feeling better tonight and thought I would try to please as many people as I could. So I sat down and started thinking what I could do special for those who were so disappointed in me.

So for those who hated getting more than one ezine issue in one day, I will not send you today’s issue and hopefully you will accept that as my apology.

For the guy who missed my writing, this one’s dedicated especially to you.

And for the one with the ruined weekend, I truly am sorry but I sure thank you for pointing out the true power I have. That is really great but what I really want to know is who to call next time I need a vacation or next time I’m sick?

Raymond Johnston Jr is the publisher of Money For Hire
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