Wednesday, September 18, 2024

White Paper Gives Advice On Pay Per Click

Sayu has just released a white paper detailing “how PPC advertisers should optimise their landing pages to increase the profit of a PPC campaign and the return on investment of every click.” The company is based in England, so close readers shouldn’t be concerned that it spelled “optimize” with an “s.”

Sayu is a pay per click management company – at the top of the company’s homepage is an article titled “Making More Money From Adwords.” The white paper explores a similar concept. It promises to reveal “invaluable tried and tested landing page strategies that will help PPC advertisers improve conversion rates and the overall profit of a PPC campaign.”

The white paper, titled “Optimising Landing Pages for Pay Per Click,” was written by James Brown, the head of Research & Development at Sayu. “As Mr Brown’s white paper explains, one fundamental factor an advertiser needs to consider when creating a highly profitable PPC campaign is optimising the landing page,” the press release stated.

“It is a general rule in pay per click marketing that the user should see consistency across the entire buying process,” Mr. Brown wrote. After giving an example involving Japanese dictionaries, he moved on to explain “how usability optimisation on landing pages should be implemented.”

In Brown’s words, “Usability optimisation on landing pages is especially important because a user who has just arrived at your site makes immediate evaluations about all aspects of your business, including whether you provide the service they’re looking for, and whether you are a trustworthy company to do business with. Small adjustments to the usability of your landing pages can increase conversions dramatically.”

Brown then touched on the Google adwords PPC program. “In PPC it [the Google landing page quality score] is new, and Google are using it to set the minimum bid allowed per keyword per site – if your site is judged low quality you’re minimum bids will be more expensive.” (That use of “you’re” is incorrect even by British standards, as I understand them.)

“Landing page optimisation is an extremely important part of an internet marketing strategy,” Brown concluded. “There are many factors to consider, but ultimately with conversion optimisation the focus has to be on the visitors needs and providing the easiest and best experience available.”


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Doug is a staff writer for Murdok. Visit Murdok for the latest eBusiness news.

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