Friday, September 20, 2024

White House Looks at YouTube Video Popularity by Region

An entry on the White House blog looks at where President Barack Obama’s YouTube videos are getting viewed the most. This of course varies from video to video, but it’s interesting to look at.

The White House references an article from Micah L. Sifry at techPresident, who looks at YouTube Insight data to see what regions some of the President’s speeches were most popular in.

I would imagine that if you run through all of the White House videos, more of them will have the strongest popularity in the United States, but of the ones the White House picks out specifically, only one of them had the US as the location where it was most popular, and that was Obama’s speech to the Muslim World in Cairo.

White House Video Popularity

Here is a look at a couple more:

The President’s Video Message to the Iranian People on the Nowruz Holiday

White House Video Popularity

The President’s Speech in Ghana

White House Video Popularity

This information is interesting for a couple of reasons. For one, it illustrates how YouTube users (including businesses) can look at data that YouTube freely provides, and there is plenty more of that if you use the YouTube Insight tool. Secondly, I find it interesting that the government’s use of YouTube is clearly doing wonders for getting content viewed by the online population in appropriate parts of the world. It’s not that the information is unexpected, but it highlights the role online video, social media, and YouTube specifically are playing in current events.

On a semi-related note, Nielsen is reporting that 24.7 million people watched Obama’s prime time health care press conference. Thanks to online video and YouTube (not to mention DVR), there will likely be many more viewings still to come as well.

On another related note, YouTube is now encouaging video uploaders to share their stats from YouTube Insight on their video pages. The company recently discussed benefits to advertisers and partners.

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