Thursday, September 19, 2024

Where Do You Get Your Energy?

The energy you bring to your daily life has a tremendous impact on the people you encounter no matter where you happen to be. The strength with which you act, look, move and carry yourself is a statement. The way others see you greatly affects the way they treat you, doesn’t it? So what are you projecting?

A quick route to personal power is to develop the energy it takes to be successful in life. Do you know how? Do you know where to find the well-spring of physical well-being that will enable you to achieve the results you want in life, to turn indifference into attention, conflict into cooperation, rejection into acceptance, and dreams into reality? Tall order… and it can be done.

One quick and steady way to have more energy is to improve your breathing. It seems obvious that you could not expect more energy without breathing more oxygen. That would be like expecting the logs in your fireplace to burn without opening the flue. Food that’s been converted mostly to fat gets “burned” with oxygen to release energy. Of course, you will have to do something to get that burning, won’t you? Begin by sitting quietly with your eyes closed and pay attention to your breathing. Breathe a little deeper than usual. just a little. Enjoy it. Not only will you take in more oxygen but you will relax as well. Not only will you feel fresher and better able to handle whatever comes your way, but you will have conserved energy for moments of tension. A great equation!

Your diet makes a difference to your energy level, too. Your diet is a daily choice. Eliminating excess dietary fat is a great beginning. It is not the quantity of food you consume, it’s the quality.

Exercise is important. You’ve heard that…unless you’ve been living underground alone for the last fifty years! Exercise in ways that are appropriate for your age and condition and gently build up your stamina and fitness level. That will give you energy. If you will do a half hour of yoga most days, you will notice that you require less sleep and you have sustained energy during the day. Not a bad trade-off, is it?

Increase your energy. Personal power is more than the psychological feeling that you are going to succeed. It requires a catalyst and that catalyst is the energy you bring to life. You need to have the energy to achieve your goals. Isn’t that a compelling reason to take good care of yourself?


C Rhoberta Shaler, PhD All rights reserved worldwide.

International speaker, coach, author & talk radio host,
Rhoberta Shaler, PhD, is an expert motivator. She gives you
the strategies and motivation to shift your results from
acceptable to EXCEPTIONAL in life and business. Subscribe to
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