Monday, October 14, 2024

Where Did the Customer Go?

Every month I volunteer my services at the local “Entrepreneurship Center,” a municipally funded resource for budding entrepreneurs. I spend 2-3 hours at the center, presenting an Introduction to Sales and Marketing course.

During the most recent session a single question dominated the evening: How has the current state of the economy and the events of September 11 affected your business?

The response was unanimous and it came quickly: ” Where are the customers? It’s impossible to get ahold of anyone, its like they’re hiding.” I’ve experienced it too. Where did the customers go?

When times are good there is an emphasis on the backend of the sales process. Sales people are concerned with questions like, “How do I enroll and compel my customers to do business with me?” They tend to be interested in learning about qualifying, presentation tips and how to close the deal. In times of uncertainty and down markets the emphasis switches to the front end of the sales process. They ask questions like, “My customer don’t have time for me, they seem more preoccupied. How can I engage them?”

(Caution: If you think there is a substitute for a sound sales process and smart work, you’ll be disappointed. In times of FUD – Fear Uncertainty and Doubt, becoming skilled at engaging good customers will differentiate you from your competitors.)

The lively conversation following that question brought us to these conclusions. Here are some ideas that you can put to use immediately to engage good customers.

What you sell has to have a strong value proposition for the market you are targeting.

Revisit your message. What is it that you do for the customer? Is your marketing collateral and messaging relevant to customers right now? Customers are hunkered down waiting for the storm to pass, they aren’t going to make themselves available unless you can make a BIG FAT CLAIM that immediately grabs their attention. Take the time before you start to update your selling propositions to reflect what is happening today. Give your customer a compelling reason to come out of hiding.

Revisit your Perfect Customer” Definition: Who is actually buying your product? Is the target market you defined when you started still applicable? You can’t afford to make calls on someone who doesn’t need or want your product or services. Take a look at your contact database and work on the existing customers and potential prospects that most closely resemble that “Perfect Customer”.

Use Technology to “Warm Up” your Calls

It’s hard to break through the Preoccupation Barrier. Until you grab a prospect’s attention you’re just an interruption. In a face to face sales call the prospect may already be aware of what potential value you might bring. In a single phone call you don’t have the luxury of top-of-mind awareness.

In the past a single call might have been enough. If you didn’t connect you went on to the next potential customer. But nowadays you can use technology to design a campaign of multiple touches with multiple media types. Use a combination of direct business letter, email and voice mails to prepare your customer for your upcoming call.

Better yet, a well crafted message, (a BIG FAT CLAIM that that solves a current problem) sent in a combination of e-mail, voice mail and good old-fashioned phone calls that pull your prospect to a web site that sells will work wonders. Create a specific web page that reflects your offer and include an audio/slide presentation that the visitor can control. Use letters, email and voice mail messages to drive visitors to the offer page and track the results.

Make Time To Do The Things That Need Doing

The last idea that we came up with at that session is the easiest to implement, but also the hardest to do. The first sales trainer that I ever saw said there is a simple reason for a salesperson’s success. He said, “Successful people have formed the habit of doing what unsuccessful people won’t do.” If you want to guarantee your success in good times or bad, form the habit of making a certain number of calls by a certain time each morning.

Keys to Success

In tough times revisit your basic assumptions. Re-evaluate your marketing messages; use all of your selling tools. Form the habit of making good calls on good prospects.

Customers are still buying – just make sure they’re buying from you.

James Maduk is one of North America’s leading sales speakers. He is the creator and publisher of more than 80 streaming sales training courses, has just released his latest book, Customer Blueprinting and broadcasts daily on VirtualSelling Internet Radio. You can reach James at (613) 825-0651 or view his Web site at

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