Thursday, September 19, 2024

Where Can I go to Network?

I often get the question, “Where can I go to network? I don’t belong to any
groups.” As true as that may sound to you I am sure that something on the
following list fits you.

While we might not frequent associated groups or
clubs there is something that we “belong” to . We just don’t think of it in
that way.

Networking is not only important from a business standpoint for those of us
in business but from a resource standpoint. Ever need those hard to get
tickets for that important family member coming to town? Ever need that
recipe from the family reunion you just went to? Need a tip on parenting a
certain situation? All of these can be obtained from your networking groups.
Your networking groups serve as resources for not only business related
things but for just about anything you can think of. I have listed 35 such
groups, associations or clubs that might include you. The next time you want
something or need a resource, try one of these groups. If you don’t have a
group, start one. These ideas are also good for start up groups. Good luck
and Happy Networking.

1. Alumni Clubs
2. Neighborhood Associations
3. Block Party Committee
4. Parent Teacher Organizations
5. Church Committees
6. Chambers of Commerce
7. Board of Director Groups
8. Online Forum Groups
9. Collector Clubs
10. Book Group at Local Book Store
11. Sports Coaching Group
12. Boy Scouts/Girl Scouts
13. Talent Show/Musical
14. Parade/Event Committee
15. Investment Clubs
16. Private online forum group
17. Public online forum group
18. Barber Shop Regulars
19. Restaurant regulars
20. Non Profit Volunteer
21. Political Campaign
22. School Room Mom/Dad
23. Sports League especially golf and bowling
24. Craft Group (quilting bee)
25. Adult Education Class
26. Professional Associations
27. Day Care Moms Group
28. Ladies Night Out
29. Men’s Poker Night
30. Business Before Hours Groups (e.g. at trains stations)
31. Business After Hours Groups
32. Business Roundtables
33. Seminar Reunions
34. Class Reunions
35. Family Reunions

Al Lautenslager is a speaker, author, business owner, consultant, a
certified guerrilla marketing coach who helps businesses and
professionals increase their revenue through focused marketing and
an increased client base. He is the bestselling co-author of
Guerrilla Marketing in 30 Days and a featured business coach for He can be contacted at
or through his website,

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