Thursday, September 19, 2024

When is Facebook Marketing Spam?

Following Friday’s post, I returned to ask Tanya Cottrell about when it’s appropriate to market to Facebook members by posting on members’ walls. Here’s what she had to say:

Great question. Your keyword was “unwanted”. If students are going to travel to Europe they are more than likely not see any type of information related to traveling to


as a spam. One degree less would have the person write, “I know a lot of you may be planning your trips in


and I recommend using over buying a Eurorail pass to save on money, time, and convenience of traveling.” The person posting the wall post needs to be honest about their identity and say who they represent when making the post so it isn’t misleading.  Companies should not hire students to make postings on group pages and work on behalf of a company.


On the group pages there is an option to post the URL to a website on the group page out and write some commentary underneath. It is not so much you are trying to span the person but create awareness of this service for the group members to check out. Companies need to realize just because you make a wall post about your company’s deals doesn’t mean that it will turn into an easy sale. The goal for an ad/link post is to create awareness of an option. As long as the person making the post is ethical in disclosing if the person works for the company it is ok. This is where a company Facebook account can make the posting and also elicit friends for a group page on their service/product. 

Here is an example of my posting:

Facebook Tanya

As you can see Euro Adventures is a company who made a posting which is effective. My posting came above about Ryanair.



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