Thursday, September 19, 2024

Whats Wrong With Your Web Copy And How Do I know?

Did you ever wonder WHY or WHY NOT when it comes to your web based sales?

I mean, have you ever put up a salesletter and watched a ton of people hit your site, all from targeted resource but only got a few sales, if any then wonder WHY NOT

WHY are people NOT buying my product or service? Or for that matter, when your sales start to skyrocket WHY are people actually buying? These are very important questions and in order to become and internet success on an on going basis, you will need to know the answers.

Certain things make people stay long enough to become a paying customer and certain things make them leave before buying. You need to know what works and why. What people are seeing or reading to make them leave and what makes them buy. OR, better yet! You WANT to know these things, you SHOULD know these things.

Now, until you start learning what makes good copy good and bad copy bad, you are going to want to do some big time testing with your copy.

First off, where can you get really good copy writing how-tos?

Well, I would start out with Yanik Silver’s “WebCopySecrets” home study course
( You could also get your hands on Armand’s
“SalesLetter Generator” to make the whole process much painless to
( .

But, until then you will need to test and test and test again. This is actually pretty easy to do believe it or not. Here is the easiest way to test your sales copy for the best results in a few steps:

1. Write one salesletter for your product or service. Write it the best you can with what you already know about copy. And of course, always try to make it as much about the product or service at hand as possible.

2. Now, after you have your first salesletter done, copy it and save it as a new file.

Example : Your first salesletter could be index1.html’ Your second salesletter could be index2.html’ and so on

With this second copy you will simply change the main HEADLINE in the web copy. You will also need to setup a different order link for each saved copy you make. You don’t have to change the headline 100%, you can simply change a few words or the way it’s worded. If you want to have a completely different one thoughthat’s okay!

3. After writing, saving and make changes, you will need to get your hands on a Split Test’ script.

A Split Test’ script is a script that will randomly show the different salesletters your created and saved. This makes it so each and every visitor will see a different copy of the salesletter and you will be able to tell which headline works best in your sales copy.

You can tell which works best by which order link is used to place the order. This is why I suggested having a different order link for each page.

Now, once you see which headline is pulling the best results, you would simply place that headline on of the salesletter copies and move down to the next section of your copy and make little changes on all of the salesletters in this section.

Now, you know which headline pulls, you are testing the next section and will learn the same thing here as well. Which one of the sections works best. You would judge this in the same manner. The salesletter with the most sales is the one you use.

You will keep doing this all the way down to the bottom of your salesletter and when you are done, you will have the best salesletter for your product or service that you can (at that point in time) put together yourself.

The one problem I see with this method is this

MOST of the Split Test’ scripts online require you to know HOW to install a cgi type script yourself and require you to have AT LEAST a basic knowledge of FTPing as well.

Not everyone online knows about this stuff.

So, I would suggest getting the “Split Test Creator” over at :

This software will spit out a simple copy and paste code that you will make your salesletters main index page and the script will randomly redirect your visitors to one of your split test pages. And the best thing is this, you DO NOT need to know anything except how to copy and paste. All in all, test your copy is what will make sure you have a real profit producing salesletter almost every time. It’s something almost all of the “Gurus” teach and something I firmly believe in myself.

Raymond McNally, Bristol, Pennsylvania, USA
Raymond McNally has been in the web based marketing field sense early 1998. He is the own of Web marketing resource center ‘RTD WebSolutions’ ( and the publisher of ‘MarketingSecretsExposed’ (

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