Friday, September 20, 2024

What’s Been Going on with TweetMeme?

Update 2: Tweetmeme is now created  a new URL-shortening service – – for use exlcusively with its commenting system, making it easier to retweet TweetMeme comments on a story and get users further engaged with content (via Mashable).

Meanwhile, TweetMeme has also put together a couple of videos showing the functionality of the retweet button and the new bookmarklet.

Update: TweetMeme Launched it’s new version on Friday, and it is a “complete revamp” of the site. According to the company, it “encompasses a total rewrite of our scoring system, filtering engine and a whole raft of user interface enhancements and tweaks.”

Details are explained here.

Original Article: TweetMeme has been quite busy since rival launched last week. After explaining why it is a more trusted brand and announcing analytics, TweetMeme has kept busy making some improvements and additions to its offerings.

TweetMeme introduced a new URL-shortening service. These things are popping up frequently, but with TweetMeme behind it, this one stands as good a chance as many other others in terms of actual use. The service, called, was created to provide three basic functions:

1. Shorten a link
2. Share the link on your favorite sites
3. Provide simple and easy to understand analytics

Tweetmeme has no plans to extend the service beyond those three items, but it will be used within TweetMeme to shorten comment links.

Not long after introducing, TweetMeme responded to user feedback and created a bookmarklet to go along with it. This allows the user to shorten links from wherever they’re at on the web. All the user has to do is drag a bookmarklet to the browser address bar, then click the link whenever they want to shorten a page’s URL.


TweetMeme UpgradingNow TweetMeme itself is in the process of undergoing an upgrade. This is why if you use TweetMeme buttons on your content, you may be seeing a little wrench icon with the word “upgrading.”


“First of all, all webpages at will display a holding page until the upgrade is complete,” says TweetMeme’s Sarah Blow. “The API will also also be down, but will still return a failure message in the requested format. Buttons displayed on websites will exhibit one of a number of behaviours, so please examine these carefully before you ask for support for a broken button.”

TweetMeme will attempt to restore the last known retweet count to users’ buttons after the upgrade is complete. TweetMeme is keeping a live blog going throughout the upgrade process. This can be viewed here.

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