Thursday, September 19, 2024

What You Must Know About Emotional Intelligence

Every minute of every day we’re using our emotional intelligence either to bring about good results or bad in our work and relationships.

If you’re faced with a sudden deadline, and start to panic, how you manage those emotions and how you pull out of the panic-state is EQ at work.

When your manager yells at you or your boss throws a tantrum, they’re not using EQ, and you have the chance to use yours in how you respond.

When you and your partner seem to have devolved into pushing one another’s hot buttons, and blaming the other for the demise of your relationship, it’s time to start learning more emotional intelligence, save the relationship and make life enjoyable again instead of an ordeal.

When you have young children or teenagers at home every minute is likely an EQ event for you and for them. The state of your EQ determines how much your children learn and how effective they can become in life.

If you’re giving a presentation or trying to close a deal, your intuition can tell you whether it’s going well, and if not, how to change it for a successful outcome. And that’s emotional intelligence, too.

Your success at work relies only about 20% on intellectual skills and abilities. The rest is . emotional intelligence, and most of us received no formal training in this whatsoever!


You have an idea of what “it” involves – maturity, common sense, forethought, getting along with people and being able to make things happen – but you’re not sure how to put it all together, and most importantly, how to improve.

You know it’s important and you want to improve yours, but how to begin.


We offer a full line of products and services which can help you develop mastery of the numerous lifeskills which make up your emotional intelligence. The EQ Foundation Course is distance learning, 12 weekly lessons on the Internet to give you the basics. We also have mini-courses on the separate competencies, such as Intuition, and Resilience.

Resilience! Isn’t that the key to it all? In fact, it has been named as the only successful way to handle stress and change. You could even call it Change Proficiency, and it can be learned.

We also offer ebooks on various competencies of emotional intelligence, such as Creativity and Optimism, to help bring you up-to-speed, and general topics, such as “How to Build Your Career with Emotional Intelligence.”

Emotional intelligence applies to every area of your life (career and relationships), and to all stages and transitions.


The catch is, after you read the books, you must put emotional intelligence into practice in real-life circumstances. And by definition you can’t do this alone. If you knew how to be doing it, you’d be doing it already.

We offer COACHING in emotional intelligence – actual in-the-moment guidance for you as you assimilate what you’re read and learned, and start to put your new skills into action. This is the missing link that maximizes your chances of improving in this important area.


To develop your own emotional intelligence, you must have real-life experience, and work with someone knowledgeable in the field who can coach you in putting the theory into action.

To develop your child’s emotional intelligence, well, you can’t take your child any farther than you are, so start an EQ program today – distance learning, ebooks, and coaching.

EQ coaching can be effective in person, by phone or by email. We offer all these services.

On my website you’ll find a host of resources to get you started. But don’t forget the most important part – personal coaching.

Susan Dunn, MA, Marketing Coach, Marketing consultation,
implementation, website review, SEO optimization, article
writing and submission, help with ebooks and other
strategies. Susan is the author or How to Write an eBook
and Market It on the Internet.
for information and free ezine. Specify Checklist.

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