Friday, September 20, 2024

What Would You Call Twitter Spam?

I’ve gone on enough about Twitter. I dig it. ‘Nuff said at this juncture. But I got a couple of follow notifications the other day that surprised me.

One was from Rupp Arena. If you’re not savvy (shame, shame on you) that’s where God’s favorite college basketball team, the Kentucky Wildcats, play in Lexington. I found it rather interesting that an entire arena was following me, and I opted to follow back because, well, it’s my hometown place of worship, right?

Soon after, I received a follow notification from “woodsongs,” the Twittered avatar (Twavatar?) of Woodsongs Radio, which plays God’s favorite music, Bluegrass. (I know it’s God’s favorite because when I was in Japan, I met a Japanese Bluegrass musician who knew all about my home state and had toured there as though he had studied Spanish guitar in the gypsy caves. If that’s not divine providence of some kind, I don’t know what is.)

Anyway, I followed back, because, well, they’re local boys and such. I assumed they’d done a geographic search for Lexingtonians and/or Kentuckians on Twitter and used it as a marketing hook, which worked, at least for me.

I don’t know how common that is, or if Californians and Brits and New Yorkers are getting similar “look at me” notifications via Twitter, but it seems inevitable that it will become more popular as more people adopt the platform. When it does, we can expect a healthy dose of email notifications that we’re being followed by Viagra, and it may be difficult for our filters to really combat emails we signed up for via Twitter. 

Banish the thought. Is this Twitter’s Achilles Heel?

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