Friday, September 20, 2024

What Will Searching Look Like in the Future?

Since its inception, not so very long ago, the internet has evolved to a point where it is virtually unrecognizable from its original form.

The same can be said for the search engine technology that has been available. It is continuously improving, becoming faster, and incredibly more accurate to the needs of the person performing the search. Few things seem so magical and “science fiction-like” than the technology employed to make search engines the accurate and swift things that they are.

In this effort to always refine and perfect the results that they achieve for any given user search, studies are constantly being made, and the latest techniques and technologies continue to be employed. This includes not only technology in terms of fast computers, but also in semantic research.

Search engines apply all of the latest semantic advances in order to make certain that the text of a web page and ads that are used deliver specifically to the right audience.

Perfection is far from having been achieved, but we are advancing in leaps and bounds. In that vein, software that recognizes speech appears to be the next wave of thinking.

Voice activated searches seem to be the next big “thing” for search engines. What is stunning is that there has actually already been a great deal of effort made along this line.

After that, who knows what will be possible; it is thought that perhaps a search engine-style device will be developed where even speech is not necessary. The software will simply “know” what the user will want to look for. Such experiments have indeed already begun.

This does a great deal for accessibility to the internet for people with disabilities, impairments, and poor vision. With such alternative devices, the internet becomes a much greater opportunity for everyone.

With this in mind, there will also always be different efforts for web site design being developed in order to keep up with these new technologies. Consider how long it took for search engines to truly become what they are today. Thirty years?

Are you and your site ready for the next major development? It may be coming sooner than you think!



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Mark is the director and face behind FifteenDegrees-North , where you will find articles and resources to help with SEO, marketing and Web design.

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