Friday, September 20, 2024

What We Want and What We Get!

If you have been using computers and the Internet for a while, you have probably figured out what works and what doesn’t when it comes to searching for the things you want.

Most of the younger generation understands the Internet fairly well. Unfortunately, most of the older generation still doesn’t quite grasp the concept. After years of working on computers for the older generation here in northern Michigan, I have found that even though they have used their computers for years, they still cannot find what they want. It should be easier for them to find information on what they want by using simple keywords. If Grandpa Joe needs to get a new pair of underwear, he might type in drawers.

A simple search of Google brought up 13,200,000 matches. Guess what? There was no underwear listed in the first few pages. A search for underwear gave me 28,500,000 matches. I probably shouldn’t even name some of the matches on the first page. We need to be thinking about what keywords are most likely to be used for a particular item, and then make a filter process that asks simple questions to narrow the results. I know that I have searched for something and received the “Ungodly Amount” of matches. Then, what I really wanted was somewhere on page 14 of those matches.

Companies that are using SEO’s know that being at the top of that search list is the best advertising for the buck. I wonder how many companies out there have ever tried to find their web site by using a search engine, and if they have, were they happy with the results? My guess is that they look at their sites position and just hope that it will get better with time. Meanwhile, Grandpa Joe still can’t find his underwear online because he only browses the first two pages of search results. It’s too bad too, because Grandpa Joe would rather buy online instead of driving to the store. Oh well, maybe next time.

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