Friday, September 20, 2024

What Twitterers Are Thankful For

Do you want to tell the world what you’re thankful for? Will the Twitterverse suffice? How about you followers and the few people that go to TurkeyTwitter?

What is TurkeyTwitter you ask? It is a site that was launched yesterday to give those celebrating Thanksgiving a place to see the collective thanks of Twitter users. Sure, you could simply use Twitter Search, and search “thanksgiving,” but TurkeyTwitter provides updates and stats about the things people are thankful for. It gathers tweets based on the #turkeytwitter and #thanksgiving hashtag.

In actuality, it’s going to give you a lot more than just what people are thankful for. If anyone tweets anything remotely related to the holiday and includes a simple #thanksgiving hashtag, it will appear, but it is what it is. It’s Thanksgiving, and someone took the time to make a Twitter-based Thanksgiving site, so we’re talking about it. Case closed.


If you follow @turkeystats on Twitter, you can see the top ten thankful items tweeted out. The creators note that the site is just a quick experiment. They even offer advanced apologies if there’s something that doesn’t go well. Don’t worry guys, I think we’ll all sleep tonight if we experience some TurkeyTwitter hiccups.

If you have some time to kill, if you don’t like football, or you just want to know what strangers are thankful for, check out TurkeyTweets.

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