Thursday, September 19, 2024

What is Your Call to Action?

It isn’t easy getting someone’s attention. That’s why advertisers pull crazy stunts to get somebody – anybody, to listen to their message.

Only you are not a crazy advertiser. You are a talented, caring, eager-to-help professional. But you still need to get somebody’s – the right somebody’s, attention. You don’t want to push, beg, wait, or hope to get attention. You have to orchestrate it like a maestro in front of her musicians, poised and ready to begin at the simple sweep of her baton.

You can easily become your own marketing maestro, and here is your baton: Create one compelling action step for your prospective client to take!

Give too many choices and you create confusion. And as I’ve said before, “A confused mind says no.” Create one simple action step and make it as big-as-a-barn-door so it can’t be missed.

For example, what one single action do you want your website visitor to take? Or what one single action do you want your choice client to take at the end of an initial phone call? And no, answering “hire me” is not an option – we already know you want that.

If you are having trouble deciding on just one call to action, then ask yourself, ‘If I were my choice client, with the problem they have, what action step would I want to take first before hiring me?’ You’ll have the answer in no time and you’ll know what action step YOU need to take to make it available to your choice client!

Now it’s your turn!

Love what you do but wish marketing would just go away? Kendall
SummerHawk, creator of Website Wisdom, the Marketing Makeover
Kit, and HorseWise Brilliance Unbridled coaching program,
specializes in creating fresh, innovative, client capturing
programs for your business. Visit for
more articles and free Weekly Marketing Wisdom.

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