Saturday, October 5, 2024

WebTrends On Demand Named Best Site Analysis Service

WebTrends today announced its WebTrends On Demand was named the Best Site Analysis Service by the third annual Windows IT Pro Readers’ Choice Awards.

Today’s news marks the third award that WebTrends has won in under two months from both Marketing and IT audiences, demonstrating the strength and breadth of its product leadership and innovation. WebTrends solutions also recently won the ClickZ Marketing Excellence Award for Best Enterprise Analytics Solution and a perfect 5 out of 5 star product review and Editors’ Choice Award from PC Magazine.

For the Windows IT Pro Readers’ Choice Awards, readers were asked to vote on their product preferences in 16 broad technology categories. More than 2000 readers chose the best among more than 700 products and services.

“The fact that WebTrends has received three awards from customers and experts in just two months is validation that our focus on making web analytics easier and smarter is paying off,” said Greg Drew, senior vice president and general manager of the WebTrends business unit of NetIQ. “But we aren’t resting on our laurels, as we are committed to continual investment in delivering not only the easiest and smartest, but also the most secure and reliable solutions in the marketplace.”

With more enterprise-class customers than any other hosted web analytics service, WebTrends On Demand delivers intuitive answers that improve business results with the convenience of a hosted service. Combining unmatched depth of analysis and customization with an easy to implement, real-time solution, WebTrends On Demand delivers a complete view of results for all web initiatives.

“Recognition from peers in the industry is an honor and is the ultimate ‘seal of approval’ for the products that won,” said Kim Paulsen, Group Publisher, Windows IT Pro. “The third-annual Windows IT Pro Readers’ Choice Awards were started as a way for readers to choose and recommend the best technology products in the industry. The awards program gives readers the opportunity to voice their opinions and for leading technology companies to receive the recognition they deserve.”

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