Friday, September 20, 2024

Webtrends Launches Analytics 9

With new features and iPhone capability, Webtrends Analytics 9 is positioned to regain users and possibly take back the analytics crown from Google.

Webtrends Analytics 9

As we mentioned above, Webtrends Analytics 9 is now compatible with Apple’s iPhone. But how could this be – aren’t most analytics engine’s primarily flash? Not Analytics 9. It uses only HTML, CSS and Javascript – No Flash. Even if javascript is turned off, Analytics 9 automatically downgrades itself without losing any of its usability. Below is the official description from the site:

“Web standards design lets you access Insight reports and views on every major browser and most devices – including iPhone. The interface uses HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. No Flash required.”

Webtrends simulated iPhone image

Do you think the iPhone capability will lure some users back to Webtrends? Tell us.

Some of the other key features in Webtrends Analytics 9 are:

RSS overlay
Correlate external data from any public RSS source with your web analytics data.

Webtrends Social Measurement
Integrate social sentiment data into analytics reports using the RSS overlay feature.

Trend View
Powerful new trending data is exposed, providing you with a time-based visualization of key data. Hovering provides detailed information of the metric for the specific date.

Analytics API: Data collection
Send data from mobile applications and devices and other sources to Webtrends hosted collection service for processing and analysis.

Analytics API: Data Extraction
Simple yet powerful tool for integrating Webtrends data with Excel or your own analytics reporting applications.

For a full list of features, go here.

Will Google need to respond to some of these additions to Webtrends Analytics 9? Let us know what you think.

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