Saturday, October 5, 2024

WebTrends CMO Departs

Nov 1st I reported about the management shakeup at Webtrends. The I did a follow-up after talking to several employees of Webtrends regarding these changes.

Though I was offered an opportunity to talk to Tim Kopp, the Chief Marketing Officer of WebTrends whom I have met on several occasions, I could not talk to him because I was in a hurry to put my post out and also Tim had already provided his view to the press and I did not expect to hear anything other than what he already told others.

Now Eric Peterson reported that Tim Kopp is the latest executive to depart Webtrends.
Wow!!! This is definitely more huge news out of Webtrends in less than a month. As I understand Tim was a force behind the comeback Webtrends was trying to make, so his departure seems to be a big blow to the company. I am sure there will be more turnover. Now it will be the time for many old employees to leave. I have been through similar changes in the past so I know that it takes time before everything settles down. At the end it might not be such a bad thing, but who knows, time will tell.

I would like to hear the views of Webtrends’ employees and of course WebTrends’ official words on it.



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