Friday, September 20, 2024

WebMD Launches Site Focused On Pet Health

Health information site WebMD has launched a site focusing on the care of peoples’ pets.

WebMD Healthy Pets provides pet owners with health information to help their pets live healthier lives.

The sites helps owners care for their cats and dogs with veterinarian-reviewed information on pet diet and nutrition, behavior and training, and preventive care. WebMD Healthy Pets offers an online newsletter, slideshows, videos and blogs to help pet owners  make informed decisions. The site also focuses on the human health benefits of owning a pet, such as lower blood pressure and less anxiety, along with the impact pets can have on health conditions such as allergies.

WebMD says it launched the site because 75 percent of its 60 million unique monthly visitors are also pet owners.


“WebMD Healthy Pets provides pet owners with reliable health news and information on topics ranging from general wellness to disease–for all stages of a pet’s life,” said Nan-Kirsten Forte, Executive Vice President, Consumer Services, WebMD.

“Pet owners who already trust WebMD for health and wellness information for their families now have WebMD’s veterinarian-reviewed pet information to help them care for their pets.”

WebMD Healthy Pets includes:

Dog and cat diet and nutrition information based on age, activity level and health conditions.

Dog and cat medical symptom and condition information to help owners care for pets with health conditions.

A veterinarian led online pet community to share pet owner experience and tips with other dog and cat owners.

Veterinarians specializing in cats and dogs answer popular questions on
 topics ranging from care to wellness.

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