Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Web-Based Content Management System: Basics

A web-based content management system (CMS) is used for webdesign so that the php, asp or jsp scripts call in the data from the mysql or sql database to create the content on a page.

You would enter the content of a website in a database using a user friendly Admin Panel and this would update itself on the actual website. CMS is critical to the success of almost every website and intranet.

The need

Static websites are easy to design but hard to maintain. You have created a static website with desired content and you put in efforts to promote that site. As a result, the website grows organically over time, and while it is very useful, it is far from perfect. The search engines give more importance to the websites which are updated regularly.

To update the site content on regular basis, you would require the web professional company to give you continuous support. Now this dependency leads to either continuous expenses or a poorly update site.
Thankfully, this dependency is what a content management system is specifically designed to solve.

What is a Web-Based CMS ?

A web-based content management system (CMS) helps you manage the content data on the website. The management includes creation, updating, distribution, publishing, and discovery of content. And it is not the only thing that the CMS can do for you. The CMS now helps to generate new pages, categorize the content, manage the layout and presentation of the site, manage users and permissions for the site, manage other dynamic modules on the site and many other things using a very user-friendly Admin Panel which requires minimal or no technical expertise.

Features and Benefits

There are a wide range of features and benefits that can be achieved by implementing a CMS, including:

Create and Manage New Pages

Manage site navigation and meta content

Assign users to manage the content in a decentralized way.

Manage site layout and presentation by editing the HTML.

Manage other modules on the site. Like if you have a forum installed on the site, you can manage the forum preferences, settings, categories, forums, and users from the Admin panel.

Better consistency

Increased security

Reduced duplication of information

Reduced site maintenance costs

Out of all the features, content management remains the mainstay of the CMS sites.

Content management

The CMS-based sites have a front end which are for the public, a database which stores the vital data of your site and an Admin Panel to manage the site. Through the Admin Panel, you can create content pages like you are creating a document in MS Word. This is a completely non-technical interface to create new pages or update existing pages without any knowledge of HMTL, javascript or programming language.

You can simply click create pages and a page opens, which asks you to define the attributes of the page like Title of the page, Link Title for the frontend navigation menu and page content. The page content box uses a WYSIWYG editor which helps you to improve the presentation of the page like making any text bold, colored or creating hyperlinks. You can also upload images with your content. You can also define the meta tags for the page, publish an expiration date, author information, etc. to make the page more meaningful. Once a page has been created, it is saved into the database on the server. This stores all the content of the site, along with the other supporting details.

The CMS also helps you to make the content management an interactive process between you and your users. A similar page can be accessible to your users who can post the content like articles, news or events. The added content pages can be accessed through the Admin Panel and approved to be published on the site.

CMS Availability

There are various CMS options with different capabilities and strengths in the market to choose from. Depending on your business requirements, you can have a customized CMS based website or you can choose any open source CMS available like Drupal, Xoops, mambo, Joomla, Typo3 etc.

Every organisation has a unique set of requirements for a content management system, and there is no solution that can fit your needs. By allocating sufficient time and resources, you can achieve the best possible solution. Out of customized and open source CMS, I would advice to evaluate the open source CMS available and get it customized to your needs by any company specializing in Open Source solutions like Dyanmic Intel.

Now the common question is Won’t my CMS site look like all the rest if I use an Open Source solution?

It doesn’t have to! Most quality content management systems will allow you to apply templates and plug-ins to your site, which can set the design of your site apart from others using the same engine by nearly anything that HTML and CSS can do. Typically, you can find templates on the main web site for the content management system you’ve chosen – and in the rare event that this is not the case, templates are typically no more than a Google search away. Most systems which let you install a custom skin will even let you design your own; allowing you to make your new site virtually as personalized as any site on the web can be.


Content management systems are now no longer new to the market and have been established as the most important part of your presence on the internet. Now CMS based websites can create SEO friendly pages and be managed by various users across the world. I have provided the basics of a Content Management System in this article. If you want to read more on CMS like evaluating CMS etc, use our article directory Pacific Articles.

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Shakir Husein is the CEO of Dynamic Intel, an Application Development Company based in US. Dynamic Intel is recognized as experts in building customized eBusiness Infrastructures. Dynamic Intel also designs web-based solutions for small to mid sized companies including cost effective Content Management Systems and Ecommerce solutions. Shakir can be contacted at info@dynamicintel.com

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