Monday, September 16, 2024

10 Web Site Add-Ons That Can Catapult Traffic!

1. Add a message board to your web site. People will visit your web site to ask questions and answer other people’s questions.

2. Add a directory of web site links to your web site. People will visit your web site to find related web site links for the topic they’re interested in.

3. Add an article section to your web site. People will visit your web site to read and learn new info related to their interests.

4. Add an archive of past e-zine issues to your web site. People will visit your web site to read past issues of your e-zine that they’ve missed.

5. Add a free ebook directory to your web site. People will visit your site to download, study and read new information.

6. Add a free classified ad section. People will visit your web site to place their own free classified ad and to read other offers.

7. Add a free link page to your web site. People will visit your web site to place their own link and to look at other people’s links.

8. Add an “about us” page to your web site. People will visit your web site to read about your business and yourself.

9. Add a guest book to your web site. People will visit your web site to leave their opinions about your business and to list their signature file.

10. Add a free software download page to your web site. People will visit your web site to find new software that will make their life easier.

Over 40,000 Free eBooks & Web Books when you visit: As a bonus, Bob Osgoodby publishes the free weekly “Your Business” Newsletter – visit his web site to subscribe and place a FREE Ad!

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