Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Web Developer Tools Rock Firefox


An assortment of extensions for Mozilla’s Firefox web browser make it even more useful for developers who prefer using it for their work.

Before you even begin playing with developer extensions for Firefox, there are two extensions you should have already: Session Saver and Restart Firefox. We’ll wait while you grab those. Better safe than sorry.

Ok. Firefox can make one’s web development life easier with the right addons. Probably the most popular one available has been IE Tab.

It offers a very simple feature that allows the developer to view how a page will look in Internet Explorer without having to sully their monitors by launching the IE application.

Chris Pederick has created a few extensions, and the Web Developer extension this clever programmer created adds a toolbar to Firefox with an assortment of useful options.

Depending on which choice is selected, Web Developer provides a deeper look into images, forms, CSS, or other elements used to construct a web page.

After stacking several options into Firefox, there may be a need for utilizing the available screen space better.

The All-In-One Sidebar helps organize all of the nifty extensions one has into a panel on the side of the browser window.

The design draws from Opera’s panel, and places common links in the easily accessible panel. Selecting a link opens a larger side panel where the user can access all the options that link offers.

After creating a page, the developer can use FireFTP to move that page to a remote server. That extension provides an easy way to put or get a file on another system, right from the browser.

Firefox Extensions have drawn a number of developers into contributing to them. The page dedicated to them is always worth a look.

On any given day, someone may make an extension available that solves a problem you have, or didn’t know you had.

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David Utter is a staff writer for murdok covering technology and business.

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