Thursday, September 19, 2024

Web Becoming American Pastime

What did we do for fun before the Internet? Oh yeah, other stuff. Pew Internet and American Life reports that the number of Internet users going online every day for no particular reason (a.k.a. surfing the Web) other than to kill time has matched the number that go online for news.

The Internet is the new American pastime as some 30 percent of US Internet users look to the Web as hang out on any given day. Two thirds, though not daily, said they go online just for fun or to pass the time.

Stumbling around the net is now the third most popular daily activity after email (52% daily) and searching (38% daily). In November of 2004, the Web hosted about 25 million fun-seekers every day. As of December 2005, that number has increased to about 40 million.

The study found that young men with broadband access and six years or more of Internet experience were the most likely to make Web surfing a daily activity.

Let’s see. Young, male, spends extra cash on broadband, doesn’t go outside much, knows a lot about the various corners of the Web and how to get there, doesn’t have much to do in the way of extracurricular activities

There’s a word for that. Starts with a “g.” Can’t think of it, but I think he looks like this. You (well, not you) may have seen him coming out of a 12-step program.

It won’t be long until the only way you’ll get your kid on the baseball diamond is to install a cyber caf in the dugout.

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