Friday, September 20, 2024

Watch: Cookie Monster Sings About Google

Update: Cookie Monster himself is appearing in today’s doodle at

Cookie Monster

Original Article: If you are a regular visitor to the Google home page, you have probably noticed that Big Bird’s legs have taken the place of the ls in Google’s logo (in the US). Sesame Street’s 40th anniversary is coming up on November 10th, and Google has announced that it will be featuring a different character for each day until then.

They haven’t wasted anytime with the characters yet though, because depending on what region you are in, you may have seen different characters already (and not necessarily all from Sesame Street). For example, has a doodle up for Wallace and Gromit, who are apparently also celebrating their 20th anniversary. Barry Schwartz at Search Engine Roundtable has provided a list of all of the different Google properties that are showing children’s programming-related doodles and their corresponding images.

Big Bird on Google

Wallace and Gromit on Google

Google discussed the series of doodles in a post to the company blog today. The company says Sesame Street provided them with the following video as well, which features Cookie Monster singing a song, part of which is to the tune of “Old McDonald” and has the lyrics “with a Google Google here, and a Google Google there…”

The clip has nothing to do with the Google we know today. It is from 1982. It’s an appropriate find for the week, however, and Google is no doubt proud to show it off.

“Many Googlers grew up on Sesame Street, watching the colorful, seamless blend of education and entertainment. We’re delighted to have partnered with Sesame Street to create this special series of doodles, particularly since we share the same values of education, diversity and accessibility,” says Marissa Mayer, Google’s VP, Search Products & User Experience.

Keep your eyes peeled for a week’s worth of more Sesame Street doodles at Hopefully they will get Guy Smiley involved. He’s the legendary Sesame Street game show host.

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