Thursday, September 19, 2024

Was Microsoft’s Bingathon a Success?

Last night Hulu ran the live telethon style infomercial for Bing called the “Bingathon“.

So how did it perform?

Well, it appears nothing “official” has been released yet. So let’s see what some Twitter users (a co-host, industry professionals and everyday users) are saying about the Bingathon.

Did any of you watch the Bingathon? If so, what did you think about it? Tell us.

Olivia Munn, co-host of the live event with Jason Sudeikis, tweeted the following…

Olivia Munn Bingathon Tweet

Olivia Munn Bingathon Tweet

This shouldn’t come as any shock that Microsoft is claiming an early victory. Think about it, what is the real measurement for success here? What other live telethon launch of a search engine is there for comparison?

Some of the search industries biggest names threw in their two cents about the Bingathon via Twitter…

Danny Sullivan Bingathon Tweet

Matt Cuts Bingathon Tweet

Matt Cuts Bingathon Tweet

John Battelle Bingathon Tweet

So we’ve heard what a co-host had to say as well as people in the industry, but what does the everyday user have to say about the Bingathon?

Some Tweeters loathed the event

Twitter users hating on Bingathon

Twitter users hating on Bingathon

Twitter users hating on Bingathon

…while some Twitterers were just happy for the 24 hour commercial free Hulu, provided by Bing.

Happy Twitter user: commercial free Hulu

Scanning through my #Bingathon search on Twitter I did notice that the overall feeling of the Bingathon wasn’t very positive. With that said I was able to find a few Tweets of people who seemed to enjoy the event…

Twitter user liked the Bingathon

Twitter user liked the Bingathon

It’s really hard to say for sure if the Bingathon was a success, but it did manage to get people talking… even though the talk wasn’t 100% positive. So was this one of those “any press is good press” moments?

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