Thursday, September 19, 2024

Want to Get Your Google Profile Verified?

Now that Google is putting Google Profiles in search results, you might want to consider getting verified. You have to go through a process to do this however.

“Should you get a verified name? Right now, it doesn’t influence whether your profile will rank better in profile results,” says Danny Sullivan at Search Engine Land. “But if you’re trying to convince people to trust that the page is really controlled by you, it probably makes sense.”

Danny has a great article up looking at the ins and outs of Google Profiles, where he also discusses verification. Barry Schwartz at Search Engine Roundtable however puts it into an easier step-by-step format:

1. You must go to Google’s Knol site and sign in.
2. Then go to your profile settings.
3.  Click on the “Name Verification” tab
4.  Then choose to verify by phone or via credit card

Google Profile Verification by Phone or by Credit Card

So basically, you’re not getting verified without giving up a little personal info, which should be a hot topic among those people who frequently criticize Google on privacy. Still, they’ve got to make sure it’s really you one way or another don’t they? And it’s not like you have to get verified.

I have not done this, and my profile is the only one showing up in a search for my name at this point, so I’m not too worried about it. That may change in the future, but for now, I’m good.

You can still verify other email addresses with your Google account right from your profile (no going to Knol or anything). When you go to edit your profile, you’ll see a link for “verify an email address” in the middle of the page under the “Verified Domains” heading. However, if you have an email address that is associated with a different Google account, you will be unable to verify it.

Would you be willing to give Google your phone number or credit card information to get your profile verified? Tell us why or why not.

How important do you think it is to get your profile verified? Share your thoughts with murdok readers.

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