Friday, September 20, 2024

Walmart Wins Thanksgiving, Amazon Wins Black Friday

You may have read about the online price wars going on this holiday season between Walmart and Amazon. It looks like both companies are doing quite well as a result (not that that is much of a surprise). According to data from Experian Hitwise, Walmart was the top retail site on Thanksgiving Day, and Amazon was the top retail site on Black Friday.

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According to Experian Hitwise, among the top 500 Retail Web sites, the percentage of U.S. visits were down 15% on Thanksgiving Day in 2009 compared to Thanksgiving Day 2008, and the U.S. traffic to Black Friday sites on Thanksgiving Day was down 4% compared to 2008.

On Thanksgiving Day, Walmart received 15% of U.S. visits among the top 500 Retail Web sites. This is the fifth year in a row that Walmart was the top visited site on Thanksgiving Day.

Experian Hitwise also shares the following Thanksgiving Day stats:

– was the second most visited with 12.41% of visits followed by with 6.22%. was the fourth most visited with 5.63% followed by Sears with 3.78%. (Attached are the top 20 sites for Thanksgiving Day 2009).

– Among the top 20 sites visited on Thanksgiving Day 2009, Old Navy saw the largest increase in visits compared to 2008 with a 59% increase, Amazon saw a 30% increase YoY and Target saw a 28% increase. Walmart had a 9% increase and the Apple Store site saw an 8% increase.

– Walmart was the top site to receive traffic from Black Friday sites on Thanksgiving Day 2009 with an 11% increase in traffic compared to 2008. Best Buy and Target received the second and third most traffic from Black Friday sites. Facebook received the largest increase in visits YoY with a 671%.

– According to Akamai, global retail traffic peaked on the U.S. Thanksgiving Day (11/26/09) at 5,732,966 visitors per minute at around 2pm EST.  On the same day, North America traffic peaked at 4,095,242 visitors per minute at around 10pm EST.

So that was Thanksgiving. Then there was Black Friday. Out of the top 500 Retail sites, the percentage of U.S. visits were up 4% versus Thanksgiving Day. Year-over-year the visits were down 9% compared to Black Friday 2008, according to Experian Hitwise. The U.S. traffic to Black Friday sites on  Black Friday was up 9% compared to 2008.

Experian Hitwise shared these additional stats about Black Friday:

– The top visited Retail Website on Black Friday 2009 was Amazon receiving  13.55 % of U.S. visits among the top 500 Retail Web sites. This is the second year in a row that  Amazon was the top visited site on Black Friday.

– Walmart was the second most visited with 11.18 % of visits followed by with 5.65%, with 4.62%. followed by Sears with 2.95%. (Attached are the top 20 sites for Black Friday 2009).

– Among the top 20 sites visited on Black Friday 2009, The Apple Store saw the largest increase in visits compared to Thanksgiving day 2009 with a 110% increase,  Staples  saw a 47% increase YoY and Dell saw a 40% increase. Amazon had a 9% increase.

– Walmart was the top site to receive traffic from Black Friday sites on Black Friday 2009 with a 32% increase in traffic compared to 2008. BestBuy and Target received the second and third most traffic from Black Friday sites. Among the top 10 sites to receive traffic from Black Friday sites on Black Friday, Target  received the largest increase in visits YoY with 110%. 

Another research firm, comScore, has provided its own Black Friday stats. They also have Amazon on top, with Walmart in second place. Here’s a look at a couple of their charts:

comScore: Black Friday Info

comScore: Black Friday Info

comScore: Black Friday Info

“Black Friday, better known as a shopping bonanza in brick-and-mortar retail stores, is increasingly becoming one of the landmark days in the online holiday shopping world,” says comScore chairman, Gian Fulgoni. “The $595 million in online spending this Black Friday represents the second heaviest online spending day of the season-to-date and a double-digit increase from last year. While this acceleration in spending suggests the online holiday season may be shaping up slightly more optimistically than anticipated, it may also reflect the heavy discounting and creative promotions being put forth by retailers that now encompass the use of social networks such as Facebook and Twitter. Cyber Monday – the traditional kick-off to the online holiday shopping season – and the subsequent weeks will be the real test for how online retailers fare this season. That said, this is a very encouraging start.”

“Much attention has focused on Amazon and Walmart this season, and both retailers performed particularly well online on Black Friday in terms of attracting visitors,” adds Fulgoni. “We will be watching closely to see how these retailers perform during these next critical weeks of the season.”

Everyone expects Amazon and Walmart to do well during the holidays season. It would really interesting to know how the smaller businesses are doing. Do you run a retail site? How have your holiday sales been thus far? What kinds of promotions have you run? Comment here.

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