Thursday, September 19, 2024

Virus Basics

Everyday computer users are at risk by a computer virus. A computer virus is a computer program that will reproduce itself. It does this by copying itself into other files that are on the computer. The virus may be a little harmless prank or cause data loss. It is up to the computer user to stop a computer virus from spreading.

Why is a computer virus written? The question of why a computer virus is written is not always an easy one. Sometimes when a programmer is writing a computer program he/she may make a mistake. This mistake can make a useful program into a destructive one. While this doesn’t happen very often; it has happened in the past. Other people create a “proof of concept” virus. This means is that a virus is created in a controlled lab. The virus is mostly written to proof that a piece of software can be used against itself. The software is typically repaired and the problem fixed. Some people don’t care if they destroy other people’s property. Other people may want get attention, or recognition from peers. There are also others who like to try and out smart the people creating anti-virus software. Whether it is someone making a mistake or someone wanting to cause destruction a virus is still a dangerous thing.

There are many steps a user can make to keep from getting a computer virus. Unfortunately there is no full-proof way to do this other then shutting the computer off and never using it. The best thing a user can do is to purchase and install an anti-virus program. The user will then need to keep the software up-to-date. The creator of the anti-virus software should provide free virus information upgrades at least two times a month. The user should also check all e-mail attachments. This is an ever-growing method for a computer virus to spread. If a program is needed to be downloaded over the Internet, the user should only download from a reputable website.

Many websites can have virus-infected files without the site owners ever knowing. When buying software, the user should be careful when picking up second hand software. If the software was infected from the previous user, it can infect the new user. New software should also be checked. There have been cases where the factory producing the software was infected with a virus. Since there is no guarantee of staying virus free, the user should also do backups of important data. CD burners are getting cheaper and easier to use. This makes it easier to backup important files then years before. If the user remembers to keep the anti-virus software up-to-date, and watches what programs are downloaded or installed, the computer should stay virus free.

For as long as people use a computer; there will always be a new computer virus popping up. A user can secure the computer only so much. An informed computer user should take proactive steps to stop from getting infected, or infecting others. If the computer user does this, he/she will help in the fight against the spread of a computer virus. Jason Connors has been working in the computer field for the past 5 years. His current projects include setting up a free computer support forums at:

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