Thursday, September 19, 2024

Using Analytics To Track Results

Knowing how well your Web site is doing is obviously important and in the session “Tracking and Results Analytics” the panel focused on the best ways to measure success.

Coverage of the PubCon South conference continues at Murdok Videos. Stay with Murdok for more notes and videos from the event this week.

Richard Zwicky, CEO, Enquisite, said Web 2.0 provides deeper insights and better transparent measurements.  It offers defined, precise return on investment (ROI).

Keyword potential
Identify a high value keyword or phrase that you care about. Take it a layer deeper – geographically. Look at data to find gaps. 2.0 is about turning data into actions.

Web 3.0
How we collect date might change. Channels to reach customers will continue to change. “Acting on data will always be imperative,” said Zwicky.

Craig Hordlow, Chief Strategist, Red Bricks Media, said motive analysis dig deep. Marketers want to be at the top.

Motive Analysis: Steps
1. Identify visitor motive though the nuances of their search query
2. Segment the queries by motive
3. Analyze the performance of each segment
4. Identify “motive disconnects”

Paul Botto, Head of Analytics Sales, Google
Paul Botto
Head of Analytics Sales

Paul Botto, Head of Analytics Sales, Google talked about Google’s advanced segmentation it recently introduced.

Isolate and analyze subsets of your traffic post- data capture. Compare segments and key performance metrics side by side.  Analyze your traffic with predefined or customized reports.

Custom reporting allows users to do what Google has not done already.

Web 2.0 Creative Challenges

As an example uses Murdok videos page and ask how do you track your video pageviews? Analytics is going to start event tracking for sites.

Paul Pellman, CEO, Click Forensics, said invalid traffic diction is more than just click fraud.

Trends seen:
Like spam, bots and botnets are becoming sophisticated and difficult to catch. Almost 70 percent of all sites in Google AdSense and the Yahoo Publisher Network are made for ad sites or parked domains.

Over 22 percent of all invalid activity comes from outside the targeted geo area of advertisers.

Murdok Reporter/Anchor Abby Johnson contributed to this report.

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