Saturday, October 5, 2024

Users Prefer Ad Supported Content

If they have a choice 72 percent of Internet users would favor viewing ads to pay for Web content instead of paying to access content according to a Direct Marketing Association study.

The study found that 86 percent of users said they usually visit free Web sites where the content they access is supported by advertisers. Only 10 percent said they visit sites that charge them a subscription or that they pay for each download.

The DMA also found that 86 percent of online users are doing the same or more online shopping as they were two years ago. When respondents, online and offline, were asked if they knew that Internet companies gather information about their Web browsing, 30 percent said they were unaware of the practice. According to the DMA a significant portion of those who were not aware had not used the Internet.

 Users Prefer Ad Supported Content

As the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) considers online behavioral targeting, some groups have proposed an online do-not-track list; the DMA believes that offering meaningful online marketing to users will fuel the growth of the Internet.

“The verdict is in – consumers have overwhelmingly responded to an open internet supported by relevant advertising,” said DMA President & CEO John A. Greco, Jr.

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