Thursday, September 19, 2024


Each one of us has been uniquely created by God as a very special person. I truly believe each one of us has a unique talent or gift (or for those lucky ones, numerous talents or gifts – that’s not me!). Something unique to offer the world. So let’s all use the amazing power of the Internet to build a better world through making a DIFFERENCE.

I see the WWW as an amazingly positive invention in today’s fast-moving technological society. The net is not just a playground of “perverts and porn artists preying on innocent children”, as thought by many concerned (and “ignorant”) parents in the “real world”. From my “rather humble and technologically-challenged perspective”, I truly believe that we are at the forefront of one of the most innovative and far reaching inventions in human history.

The net is the most cost-efficient , INSTANTANEOUS, EXCITING and effective way of marketing products and services around the globe through modern telecommunications, as well as being a tool to influence people around the globe with POSITIVE CONTRIBUTIONS. We live in one of the most exciting times in human history; so exploit the AMAZING POWER of the Internet to reach hundreds of thousands of people and perhaps even millions around the world. Use your creative energies and imagination to the fullest, by thinking of new ideas of how to help others and make their lives easier through marketing your particular products. (Incidentally, I keep a notebook by my bedside and leave to my creative subconscious mind just before I go to sleep… and I often wake up with new ideas in the morning.)

No matter where you may live on this planet, cyberspace can produce income to so many “budding entrepreneurs” . The www gives ‘ordinary people’ without much capital, like you and I, a great BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY: the opportunity of self employment by reaching out to a GLOBAL market-place. As I see it, each one of us has a unique responsibility to ourselves, and our families. It is up to each one of us to reach out and help many people around the world through being innovative and original in our ideas… and the money we earn from selling our array of unique products can be used for many good purposes, like perhaps even helping others achieve their dreams. In doing that, WE WILL BE MAKING THE MOST USE OF OUR UNIQUE “GOD-GIVEN”” ABILITIES.

So WHY NOT Celebrate YOUR UNIQUENESS by sharing something of yourself and shining YOUR “little ray of sunshine on the world”?



Craig Lock

PS: The French and English developed steam technology at the same time; the French created play-things for the aristocracy and the English created the Industrial Revolution (but at least the “Froggies” have passion and won the soccer World Cup and won Euro 2000). So we can all use the Internet to reach out to the “global community” and build a better world in this new “Information Revolution” that is upon us.

“We can all use the internet to reach out to the “global community” and build a better world in this new “Information Revolution” that is upon us. Let’s use it wisely, respect our diversity and unique cultures; but celebrate a new world in union. One where, like your founding forefathers in America, you can first celebrate the Independence Day of the strong burning creative spirit that is within you. If set alight, it is one that will make your personal VISION of the future a REALITY.”

Craig Lock has been marketing products online for the past five years. Craig is a writer, who believes in sharing information, as well as encouraging and helping others to find their talents and gifts, to strive for and accomplish their dreams in life – whatever they may be.

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