Tuesday, September 17, 2024

U.S. Preps For Cyber War Games

The Department of Homeland Security is preparing to lead foreign governments, private companies, states and federal agencies in cyber war games.

 Starting next week four foreign governments, 18 federal agencies and 40 companies will take part in Cyber Storm II. The weeklong simulation is designed to prepare those participating for cyberattacks. The FBI, the Department of Defense, and the CIA are some of federal agencies that will be involved. 

War Games (1983) War Games (1983)
(Photo Credit: Warner Bros. Studio)

Cyber Storm II is the result of over 18 months of planning, led by the DHS National Cyber Security Division, to develop a series of simulations to test the players skill to respond to cyberattacks on information technology, communications, chemical and transportation infrastructure. The first Cyber Storm drill, in 2006 focused on air transportation.

Cyber Storm II participants have been divided into two teams, planners and players. The players have not seen any of the situations they will be dealing with. A source close to the planning of the simulation said it could include elements of organized crime, terrorism, or hacking attempts motivated by political goals.

Countries beside the U.S. participating in the simulation include, Australia, the United Kingdom, New Zealand, and Canada. Some of the companies taking part include Dow Chemical, Microsoft, McAfee, Cisco and Nova Chemicals.

“The exercise is very much deliberately intended to overload people,” the source told FCW. “We don’t do these things to pat ourselves on the back.”

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