Thursday, September 19, 2024

Update on 1000 CES Shots

Well I’m beginning to seriously think I will not make my goal of a 1,000 photos of CES while here.

Self Portrait in a Webcam

It’s day three and I’m not at the halfway mark. I’ve got 413 shots up so far. I’m working really hard to shoot and process but giving individual attention to each photo in RAW and trying to be discriminating with what I post makes it hard.

Whatever the case I’m enjoying CES much more this year than last. I’ll say it again that the Bloghaus and Podtech and their Seagate sponsor are the best thing about CES. It’s interesting. Last night I was hanging out a bit with Chris Nuttall, who writes for the Financial Times here at the Bloghaus. He was pretty impressed with the set up, as am I. Super fast uploads, food, electricity, water, coffee, beer, and definitely the best people hanging out at CES this year.

Last night Jimmy Rooney came by the bloghaus, He’s Andy Rooney’s son and does over 4,000 different voices. He’s done Cars, and Nemo and the Teenage Ninja Turtles and many, many movies. Here’s a photo of him with Steve Gillmor.

John Dvorak came by the night before last with the Gadgetell guys. John shot my 5D for a bit and gave me a salute. John says some of the most interesting stuff here at CES is back in the back by the Hilton in the Taiwan area. I shot a bit there yesterday.

There are so many great people here at the bloghaus and there are just too many to name, Eddie Codel and Bill Streeter and Valerie Cunningham (the photo of her after her shower is my most viewed CES photo so far) and Jason Fields from Snap and I love chatting with Sarah Meyers. Check out Sarah’s Party Crashers video from Arrington’s TechCrunch 7 thing. She works in her spare time to help send disadvantaged kids on summer trips. I do similar volunteer work there myself. John and Linda Furrier and Irina Slutsky (here’s a shot that Jeremiah got of her in bed with Loren Feldman). Andrew Edwards says he’s doing a big blogger convention here in Vegas in November. That sounds super cool. Jeremiah keeps telling me I should party. I love that guy. I’ve just got too much work to do to party though.

I met Lionel Menchaca who does the Dell blog. He read my post about switching from my Dell to my Mac. Ouch. I’ve got a photo of him coming up later.

It was also great to finally meet Christopher Coulter, Robert Scoble’s troll. He’s are really good guy and has been working his ass of editing video here for Podtech.

Hopefully Robert and Dave Alpert and I are going to try to fit a Photowalking episode of Las Vegas in tonight.

I’m so far off my 1,000 photos goal at this point. This is the only thing that is depressing me a bit. Got to work harder. I think I’m going to stay up for next 40 hours or so trying to do it and then crash on the plane on the way home Thursday night.

Of course the Babes of CES 2007 still remains the most viewed photos that I’ve been shooting.

Anyways, way too much to shoot to write any more. Heading over to the Sands today to see what they have going on there.



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Thomas Hawk is a San Francisco based photographer and technology writer.
He publishes the web site Thomas Hawk’s Digital Connection and is also
the Evangelist and CEO of the photo sharing site Zooomr.

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