Thursday, September 19, 2024

Unlimited Spam Blogs For $247

“This Is Not Simply A Blog and Ping Tool! RSS to Blog Pro Is A Full Automated Content Blogging Solution For Your Business.” …

Your spam business, I guess.

If you’ve ever wondered what kind of market there is for splog (spam blog) tools, maybe the crazy marketing hype on this site will give you an idea.

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Attention Bloggers:
Who Else Wants to Know How I Maintain Daily Posts to Several Content Blogs on Various Subjects, All Without Writing A Single Word or Lifting A Single Finger?
This Amazing Program will Turbo Charge Your Blogging Efforts! And Free Up Your Precious Time!

Date : Tuesday October 18, 2005
From: Michelle Timothy

Dear Friend,
Have You Abandoned Your Blog?

Have you simply given up on your blog, because you are tired of manually posting to your blog to keep it fresh? If you are anything like me you probably have more than one blog that you post to and realize that keeping them all fresh with new content can be quite a chore!

Imagine for a minute that you had a tireless assistant that worked hard night and day finding fresh, relevant content for you to post to your blog. Now also imagine that this tireless assistant not only finds this relevant, keyword specific content for you but also posts it to your blog at exactly the times you want it posted … and they do this day in and day out, until you beg them to stop!
RSS to Blog “The Blog Post Automator” Is That Tireless Assistant!

Jeremy Zawodny is the author of the popular Jeremy Zawodny’s blog. Jeremy is part of the Yahoo search team and frequently posts in the Yahoo! Search blog as well.

Visit Jeremy’s blog: Jeremy Zawodny’s blog.

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