Thursday, September 19, 2024

Understanding Meta Keywords

Adding keywords using the META tag

Maximum – 800 characters.

Adding keywords simply requires editing the HTML code and adding the meta tags, as in the following example. The top of a web page source code on your site might look like

Create a META tag with the following information:


To add additional keywords,

actual example

The top of your HTML document would then look like:


Questions and answers about META keywords

Q) META keywords tag – should I use UPPERCASE, lowercase or a mixture, commas or spaces?

A) Use lowercase, separated by commas, with a space after the comma.

Q) If I have several keyword phrases in my META keywords tag that all contain the same keyword, will I get penalized? For example:


This would represent four repetitions of the word ‘jewelry’.

A) I personally do not believe in spamming or putting multiple keywords throughout the page. This is too easy to check for and the search engines are not stupid. If we can think of it they already have. Most engines only count to 2 for keywords, so why waste the keyword utilization. Put in other keywords.

Q) Will I be penalized for using the same keywords on a lot of different pages that have the same content?

A) If the pages have exactly the same content, why are they in your site? If they are all related to the same subject, they can logically have the same keywords, but the Description tag would be different.

Q) What is the optimum number of keywords before the engine gets bored?

A) It varies. Some are more easily bored than others. I don’t usually repeat keywords, maybe twice for the important ones. It’s better to show up adequately on all the engines than perfectly on one and badly on the rest.

Q) Will the engines treat a phrase such as handmade gifts that is written as a keyword phrase the same as if it were written as two different words? Should I write them out both ways?

A) Use: “hand made handmade gift gifts” to cover all the possible variations searchers might enter.

The author of this article is David Notestine, the creator of the Zeus Internet Marketing Robot, rapidly being recognized as the best automated website marketing software on the Internet. His radical views are being embraced by webmasters throughout the web, as the truth about website marketing. Mr Notestine is also the creator the world’s first collective search engine:

Zeus, an easy-to-use, intelligent, Internet marketing robot that builds a search link directory and creates reciprocal links for your web site. A totally new concept in generating web traffic, this revolutionary software product has features and benefits that enable it to create traffic to your web site, in numbers beyond your wildest dreams. One good reciprocal link can give you the same traffic as a major search engine and, with a Zeus robot, you can have thousands of reciprocal links. Zeus generates both new and return visitors to your web site.

To visit David’s site:

Content has been reprinted with permission of the author. First appeared in 1999-2000 David Notestine, all rights remain with author.

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