Thursday, September 19, 2024

UK Hunting London Bomb Suspects

Police and investigators will be aided by the nearly ubiquitous presence of security cameras throughout London.

Whoever perpetrated the awful attack on British citizens may be on film. With 500,000 cameras, and probably more, in place, authorities will hope to find some clues contained in the footage they’ve captured.

According to the Wall Street Journal, London police have not disclosed what, if anything, has been found on video yet. In addition to the city’s cameras, many businesses like banks, shops, and tourist attractions have their private cameras incorporated into the overall system called Camerawatch.

The Metropolitan Police Commissioner, Ian Blair, has stated at a news conference that more than one person was involved in the attacks. “We are clear from the timings of these events that, no, it could not have been done by one person,” the Commissioner said at a news conference.

At this time, Mr. Blair notes they do not know how many suspects were involved, or if they survived or died in the explosions that hit three Underground trains and a double-decker bus at Tavistock Square.

British Foreign Secretary Jack Straw said the bombings had the “hallmarks of an al Qaeda-related attack,” and terrorism experts echoed that sentiment, noting the attack resembled methods used by Islamic radical terrorists.

It has been reported that British police have requested more information from Continental counterparts on a Moroccan male named Mohamed Guerbouzi. He has been under investigation before in connection with the Madrid bombing last March as well as a suicide bombing in Morocco.

But British authorities have yet to report any arrests, and the investigation will continue. Commissioner Blair said the Metropolitan Police has an “implacable resolve” to track down and bring to justice whoever is responsible.

David Utter is a staff writer for Murdok covering technology and business. Email him here.

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