Friday, September 20, 2024

Twitter Traffic Slows as Money Increases

You might say Twitter is “in the money.” As Murdok previously reported, Twitter has been raising funds at a $1 billion valuation. Twitter CEO Evan Williams wrote on the Twitter Blog today:

There’s a lot of talk today about our financing. Yesterday we closed a significant round of funding with a group of investment firms that we’re excited to publicly thank: Insight Venture Partners, T. Rowe Price, Institutional Venture Partners, Spark Capital, Benchmark Capital, and Morgan Stanley.

It was important to us that we find investment partners who share our vision for building a company of enduring value. Twitter’s journey has just begun and we are committed to building the best product, technology, and company possible. I’m proud of the team we’ve built so far and I’m confident in the future we’ll build together.

Internet research firm Hitwise Intelligence has taken a look at Twitter traffic, to see if the visitors match the hype.

Twitter - Marketshare of Visits

While the graph above doesn’t count Twitter use via mobile devices and third-party app (which certainly account for a lot of Twitter’s use), Hitwise notes that visits to should still show some correlation to new use adoption.

Hitwise also tracked the number of searches on Twitter (below). Both visits and searches at hit what Hitwise refers to as a “resistance point” in April.

Twitter - Search Volume

Finally, Hitwise looks at reports for Twitter’s top traffic sources, comparing April to last week. The charts reveal a significant drop between the two.

Upstream Websites

Upstream Websites

It’s hard to really put Twitter use into perspective without some kind of stats that reflect mobile and third-party app use. The slowing traffic growth is interesting though. It’s hard to believe that it is occurring, considering that you can’t turn on the television or radio without hearing about some new celebrity discovering Twitter. Perhaps Pee Wee Herman will inject some good traffic for this month’s numbers.

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