Friday, September 20, 2024

Twitter Picks Up Former Facebook Platform Manager

The personnel push-and-pull between tech companies is always interesting to watch; who goes where can be a sign of how insiders are placing their bets.  And more than bragging rights appear to be at stake as Josh Elman, who used to work for Facebook, has joined Twitter.

Josh ElmanWe’re not saying that Elman’s move signals the end of Facebook, of course.  It’s just that he was an important fellow at the company.  Elman served as the Facebook Platform’s program manager and led the launch of Facebook Connect, so he may deserve a lot of credit for establishing Facebook’s relationships with other sites.

That also means that Elman has a lot of experience with apps, and they’ve obviously become key to Twitter.

As for the years before Elman worked for Facebook, he spent time at Zazzle (two years and eight months), LinkedIn (one year and seven months), and RealNetworks (six years and one month), which is an impressive enough bunch of companies.  Elman attended Stanford University, too.

Anyway, a hat tip goes to Louis Gray, and Jeremiah Owyang commented on his article, “What a smart move for Twitter.  Josh is a standup guy, knows his stuff, and will do a great job at Twitter.”

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