Thursday, September 19, 2024

Twitter Gets Connected with Google

Google has announced that its new Friend Connect platform has now been integrated with Twitter. Now you can Tweet from any Friend Connect-supported site.

“This means that when you join a friend connected site, you can choose to use your Twitter profile, discover people you follow on Twitter who are also members of the site, and quickly tweet that you have found a cool website,” explains Google Friend Connect Product Manager Mussie Shore.

“With Google Friend Connect, Twitter folks will be able to bump into and recognize each other out there on the web—and discover new people to follow on Twitter,” says Twitter Co-founder Biz Stone on the Twitter Blog.

To send a tweet at a site using Friend Connect:

1. Click the invite links in the members gadget
2. Click the Twitter icon on the share tab
3. The next time your followers sign in to Twitter they’ll see your tweet

“This integration with Twitter is an example of how we want to continue improving Friend Connect, extending the open social web and bringing social features to more places on the web,” says Shore.

Friend Connect was originally launched in preview form back in May, but was just releasd publicly earlier this month. To learn more about it, watch the following video:

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