Friday, September 20, 2024

Tweeting Habits Parsed By Time, Day

A new report has shed some light on the habits of Twitter users.  The good people of Pingdom tracked the number of tweets sent over the course of three weeks, and today, released their statistics regarding what days and times folks most like to send messages in under 140 characters.

Some broader facts may be in order first, though.  A Royal Pingdom blog post stated, “[T]he average number of tweets per day was over 27.3 million.  The average number of tweets per hour was 1,138,772.”

Also, “The highest number of tweets per hour we measured was 1,841,289,” and “the lowest number of tweets measured during the period was 566,854 per hour . . .”

Now, as for the specifics.  In one sense, there’s no surprise on the time front; people don’t tweet as much during traditional sleeping hours.  Otherwise, Pingdom recorded steady activity throughout the day.  Which could signal good things for Twitter, since individuals aren’t just playing around with it when they’re already stuck in front of a computer.

Interestingly, users don’t exactly abandon it on weekends, either (although the number of tweets does decline a little).  And at the rate things are going, the Royal Pingdom blog post noted that it shouldn’t be long before Twitter is processing one billion tweets per month.

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