Friday, September 20, 2024

TweetDeck Announces That v0.27 Is Nearly Ready

TweetDeck has announced, via Twitter, that version 0.27 is nearly ready. They also promise “it’s a big upgrade”. Question is: What new additions will we see with v0.27?

TweetDeck v0.27 Tweet

Browsing around TweetDeck’s site, we came across their feedback forum, where users can submit ideas. Along with user submissions, TweeDeck employees have also submitted new feature ideas along with general thoughts. Users can browse through the forum and “vote up” the features they would like to see added to TweetDeck. This helps prioritize the features for developers, so they see what users are really wanting. Below is official description from the site:

“Use this page to submit feedback on TweetDeck such as ideas for new features, bugs you’ve found or just general thoughts on the application, what works, what doesn’t. We added a long list of our own ideas for forthcoming versions so please vote up those you’d like to see implemented and feel free to add your own. Thanks.”

What new features do you hope is added? Tell us.

By the looks of it 8 ideas have currently been accepted for the desktop client, and are currently under review.  You can check out the 8 ideas below, along with a brief description:

TweetDeck Feedback Forum

Reply for Facebook statuses (952 votes)
It would be nice if I could reply to Facebook Statuses from TweetDeck.

Not all those I’m following show up in the Group Edit list (220 votes)
I’m missing about 20 of the people I’m following from my Group Edit list (20 out of about 150 total). Even if I restart the missing names never show up.

I’ve tried to look for a pattern in the missing names, but I cannot see one. I have not waited to see if any of these missing names ever show up in my “All Friends” column, although there are people who ARE in the Group Edit list who have not Tweeted for a very long time.

Don’t keep unfollowed contacts in my Groups list (127 votes)
When setting up new Groups I have to scroll through list of everyone I follow AND everyone I have followed earlier but don’t anymore. Makes it cumbersome and confusing to use this feature.

Extend search functionality to People (54 votes)
Add ability to search for people across the twitter network, enables user to find new people to follow

Click to context view (42 votes)
clicking on a tweet should reveal it in a column within the context of all the posts the author was seeing when he wrote it.

Often people seem to write tweets because they are replying to a post they see in front of them. Unless you have some idea who they are talking to, or what their current preoccupations are, there is no way to tell what they are saying.

Currently one can click on a user and see everything that user has written. What I am asking for here is something similar but where one sees all the tweets he sees (including his own). Clciking someplace on a tweet should open such a columnt and of course move straight the the relevant tweet the user posted. This will give one his tweet context

Recompile with traces turned off (13 votes)
TweetDeck is compiled with traces left on. I am a flash developer and my flashlog.txt is constantly spammed with TweetDeck traces, making it impossible to work while running it. Could you recompile your production version with traces turned off? Or at least limit the traces to exceptions and other errors? Thank you.

Drag groups around (10 votes)
instead of putting a left and right button, do dragging, it would be much more fun, and easier.

Facebook friend’s names are redundant (10 votes)
It already has the name underneath the profile pictures so I don’t understand why the Facebook status updates show the name of that person in the status update. It is confusing because I read it as if it was part of their intended message.

Do you agree with these possible additions to TweetDeck? Tell us.

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