Thursday, September 19, 2024

Tutorial – FLA Deconstruction Pre

Through the next few issues we are going to take this FLA and deconstruct the file showing you exactly how it’s made and how you can make a similar-style site.

I have always been a fan of this FLA because of it’s clean design and load time.

This FLA File is actually made up of several FLA’s put together to make one site.

Here is an outline of the files used for making the site:

Loader – This file pulls another file from the server loading it into the current.

SWF file. In this site, the Loader file actually loads the Frame SWF file.

Frame – This file loads the top and bottom border and also calls up the Main Menu, the Background, The Music, and the Controls.

Background – Contains all of the background images used in the site.

Controls – The controls to change the backgrounds, Tool Tips, and Music.

Music – These files are all separate and contain the background music for the site.

Main Menu – This is the main menu for pulling up the submenus.

Sub Menus – These are the different sections of the site where you can find out information regarding the paticular area.

In next week’s issue I’ll post a link to the FLA and we will start making our own files and slowly progress until we have an entire site.

Having created the outlines for FlashNewz and FLADownloads, John has become a strong voice in the Flash Community. His reviews and tutorials give great insight and knowledge to readers around the world. He has a keen eye for what’s hot and what’s not in the Flash world. He has also developed and continues to run his own flash portal as a side project to keep his mind on the Flash community

Being a key designer for advertising creative, he’s got style when it comes to grabbing readers attention. With a proven track record, there isn’t much this guy can’t handle.

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