Thursday, September 19, 2024

Trading Diggs for Retweets?

For quite some time, marketers and content producers have been seeking more diggs. While some still seek these (and others are less enthusiastic about Digg due to recent changes), we’re seeing a lot of people looking for “retweeting” of their content on Twitter.

An interesting post at Performancing asks, “Is Retweet The Next Digg This?” That’s a good question. A while back, Twitter was even reported to surpass Digg in traffic for the first time since its launch.

Twitter Digg WMS.png

“Twitter has taken on a life of its own. in the early days, their was no way to respond to other people until users came up with the idea to use the @ symbol to designate a reply,” writes Performancing’s Jeff Chandler. “Now adays, the sharing of information on Twitter has created what is known as a Retweet. This is when someone republishes a message someone else wrote and is used as a means of sharing useful information. Depending on who picks up the message and retweets it, the information can be viewed by thousands of people.”

Could some of the tips often used to get more Digg love also be applied to Twitter?
I have noticed one similarity. Diggers have always loved to digg stories about Digg. Likewise, Twitterers love to retweet stories about Twitter. Something to think about. Luckily there are still so many questions about how to use Twitter (in general, let alone for marketing purposes) that content producers have an unlimited supply of potential article/blog post (or even tweet) topics.

Another thing that can probably survive the translation from Digg to Twitter is the Telegraph strategy. Many people do this. I call it that because Hitwise studied Telegraph which has been a very popular site on Digg. Telegraph encourages users to Digg their content. Encouraging the Tweeting of your content will likely help your cause. Once your content is Tweeted, if it’s good enough, it will get retweets.

Although it’s always nice to have other people tweet links to your content and have other people retweet those tweets (sometimes I feel like I’m not even writing in the English language anymore), having your own followers is a good way to gain more tweets and retweets too.

Rich Brooks has a good list of what not to do to have a successful following on Twitter. Among his list are:

– Not using your real name

– Not telling people where you’re from

– Not including your URL

– Leaving our bio blank

– Not uploading a photo of yourself or your logo

– Following 2,000 people before posting a single tweet

– Rapidly following and unfollowing people just to get their attention

TwellowFinding Twitterers with similar interests and in similar niches to communicate with can also be a good way to get some extra retweets. You’d be more inclined to share something you were interested from someone else right? Chances are others feel the same way. Our own Twellow service is a great way to find likeminded Twitterers. Searching in Twitter itself for topics you cover might find you some new friends as well, who could potentially retweet what you are writing about.

There of course plenty of other ways besides retweets that Twitter can benefit your business. There are more ways to use Twitter search. There are ways to build real links. Large brands and small ones are finding new and unique ways of utilizing the communication tool that is Twitter to attract traffic, conversions, customers, and loyalty.

Got tips for getting retweets? Share.

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