Thursday, September 19, 2024

Tough Fortnight For Typepad

The past two weeks have seen Typepad bloggers plagued with problems, spurring an apology from Mena Trott herself about the issue.

Success has led to some growing pains for Typepad, and the blogosphere has noticed. The Diva Marketing blog has been one of many to notice the problem:

Over the past couple of weeks TypePad seems to be playing more like a yoyo. It has gone up and down numerous times without warning. Customers have not been able to access their blog posts (was that a scary moment!), and just yesterday when I tried to pull up the site nothing came up. Nothing. Not even a splash page telling me not to freak.
Steve Rubel at Micro Persuasion noted how Six Apart is migrating to a new architecture called Project Comet. The new platform will provide new, dynamic blogging features; Six Apart will definitely need the added capacity Trott discussed in her post about the problems and the datacenter move Six Apart is undergoing:

While a data center move generally tends to add some risk to running a service day-to-day, we could never have anticipated anything like the last couple of weeks. We’ve seen failures in our storage servers, failures that we had never seen before. We’ve seen a failure in a piece of networking equipment that had never failed before, and so on, ranging from hardware failures to software failures. After some analysis we believe that all of these failures are related to the fast growth of our service resulting in heavy load on each box-and until the completion of the move, we didn’t have the capacity to add more boxes.
Don’t worry, Mena, system administrators everywhere empathize with your company.

David Utter is a staff writer for murdok covering technology and business. Email him here.

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