Friday, September 20, 2024

Top Online Marketer Of 2008 Goes To…

Invesp Consulting, a company that does landing page optimization asked online marketers to nominate the best online marketers of 2008. These are marketers who have been innovative and contributed to online marketing as a whole. They named 100 of the best.

The first pick for online marketer of the Year was Chris Hughes who ran the online side of the historic victory of president elect Barak Obama and co-founded Facebook. “The campaign relied heavily on social media outlets to reach out to potential voters, increase their knowledge of Mr. Obama and rally their votes.” Hughes is also the youngest person on the list.

Hughes ran the online campaign that got 1.5 million volunteers registered on and gathered $600 million in contributions online. He also built a database of 3 million mobile phone numbers. To do that they promised supporters that they would be notified of campaign news before the media (steal this concept!).

Guy Kawasaki is the next person who was noted. And at #23 is our own Andy Beal. Andy talks about reputation management and has an excellent reputation. Online marketer Lee Odden, also nominated, said he nominated Andy because “[he] is a digital marketing pioneer recognized by many for his SEO and online reputation management expertise. He’s a published author (Radically Transparent), blogger, public speaker and consultant.” Mike Moran said he “writes the terrific Marketing Pilgrim blog and oversaw development of Trackur this year.”

Acceptance speech Andy? When’s the ceremony?

Also, where are all the women in this industry? Greats like Adriana Huffington, Anita Campbell, Wendy Piersall, Liz Strauss, and others made the list, but they’re way outnumbered.


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