Thursday, September 19, 2024

Top 3 Design Priorities – Old and Wise, But Still Not Recognized

Imagine it – a new, shiny red sports car that is simply stunning to behold. A beauty. A masterpice of shape and design. But, it doesn’t move – not an inch.

Many web sites today are like that sports car. Very cool and very beautiful, but they don’t take you take you where you want to go. How depressing.

If you want your web site to be a success, it is more important than ever to follow the top three design priorities as described by Jacob Nielsen, a leader in web usability:

1. Clearly communicate – Remember that writing for the web is different than writing a letter or a memo. Write simply and consisely. Use short sentences and short paragraphs. Make sure that your visitor can easily scan your text. Use lots of bulleted lists.

2. Give visitors the information they want – Your visitor generally doesn’t want to be amazed at your fancy graphics. They are in a hurry. They want information they can use and understand quickly. What do you offer? How can I get it? What does it cost? Is it right for me?

3. Design your site with clear navigation and a consistent style – Be sure that your web site has a consistent style, which is the #1 factor in developing a professional look. Every page should have a menu in the same place and your complete contact information.

What, you ask – no fancy flash graphics? No audio files? No super duper animations?

Aren’t those the most important design priorities?


Although experts have recognized these three design priorities for over a decade, many people still ignore them completely.

Many designers become infatuated with technology for the sake of technology. And they forget about their web site visitors – and your current and future customers.

Focus on the three basics. Your visitors will we be glad you did, and they will reward you for it.

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Herb and Monica Leibacher operate Web Builder Express

Create a professional web site for your business or non-profit organization with Web Builder Express.

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