Friday, September 20, 2024

Top CEOs Not Big On Social Media

ÜBERCEO is sharing the results of some research, indicating that social media is not much of a priority among Fortune 100 CEOs. In fact, it’s barely existent within their own practices.

Most of these CEOs are not twittering. They’re not on Facebook, or even on LinkedIn – the social network, which caters specifically to professional relationships. The study looked at Fortune’s 2009 list of the top 100 CEOs to determine how many were using Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Wikipedia, or had a blog.

Fortune 100 CEOs and Social Media

View more Microsoft Word documents from Sharon Barclay.

While the complete findings can be viewed in the presentation above, here are a few of the highlights:

–  Only two CEOs have Twitter accounts.

–   13 CEOs have LinkedIn profiles, and of those only three have more than
        10 connections.
– 81% of CEOs don’t have a personal Facebook page.

– Three quarters of the CEOs have some kind of Wikipedia entry, but nearly a third of those have limited or outdated information.

– Not one Fortune 100 CEO has a blog.

“It’s shocking that the top CEOs can appear to be so disconnected from the way their own customers are communicating. They’re giving the impression that they’re disconnected, disengaged and disinterested,” said Sharon Barclay, editor at “No doubt regulations such as Sarbanes Oxley and Reg-FD make CEOs cautious about communicating freely, but they’re missing a fabulous opportunity to connect with their target audience and raise their company’s visibility.”

It is pretty amazing how little social media is being used among these top CEOs. That’s not to say all of the companies are lacking in the department. It does seem to detach the CEOs a little bit from the human element that social media can bring to a company’s reputation. They are the country’s leading CEOs though, so they must be doing something right.

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