Monday, September 16, 2024 Peer Review – Simplify Navigation

The overall site design loaded quickly, and the aesthetics of the site weren’t too bad. The only comments I have are:

1) Put a little whitespace at the bottom of your long pages. (Put a couple of breaks under the table at the end) This will help to keep it from feeling like it was abruptly cut off, and help the visitor to not feel like they missed something. Take a look at newspapers and magazines to see how much whitespace their text pages have at the edges.

2) Navigation, Navigation, Navigation… I had to rely on the back button to get out of the various pages (the category links) This is poor navigation practice, especially since you don’t use that space for other things on the deeper pages. You should have that link set there throughout the site, as it seems to be the main navigation link set.

3) The “Tool Sales” button on the Sponsored Manufacturers page is annoying. The blinking text combined with the moving of the button are just painful. Granted, it did its job because I clicked on it right away, but subconsciously, I may have been trying to get away from seeing it 😉 Also, it is inconsistent, because that page is the only time the button does its magic.

4) Lastly, it looks as though the webmasters are experimenting with style sheets. They have some boxes, with solid borders, some with dashed ones… The overall feel is unprofessional due to the inconsistencies.

Jacob Nyhart

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