Sunday, October 6, 2024

4 Tips to Avoid Internet Scams

If you are new to the internet you will come across numerous programs offering promises of riches. You may know about people who have become rich on the Net but you have also heard about the scams.

How do you distinquish between the genuine and the con men? Here are a few points to keep in mind when assessing any opportunity.

1 ) How do you recognise a Scam?

Usually a scam offers a lot of money in a short space of time for a small fee. You must must pay something to make hundreds of thousands. The job that you will be offered will be easy, not requiring any previous internet experience and it will require a maximum of only two hours work a day.

You will be given descriptions of the glamorous lifestyle you will lead in a short time. Exotic foreign holidays will be yours , and expensive cars, a bigger house, and a permanent end to the hated day job.

This income will be achieved usually through recruiting other unsuspecting people into the program as your sub- affiliates , who will generate passive income for you.

2) Are there any genuine Internet jobs?

Nobody wants an employee by their computer in another part of the world performing routine tasks such as placing advertisements, typing etc. when you can get someone who is local just as offline businesses do.

Genuine jobs can be applied for on the internet in the usual way through filling out application forms, sending off c.v.’s/resumes. These jobs are usually offline.

3) What can you do if you are scammed?

Usually nothing. Scammers are clever. They demand fees which are not big – usually less than $100. In this way they do not attract the attention of the Police who have more urgent crimes to deal with. However, bigger scams are stopped by the Police when large sums of money are involved.

4) What can you do to avoid Internet Scams?

Be careful. Anyone can have a website under a false name and false postal address. Anybody can start an internet business for a short time and swindle money. Then disappear only to open up again under another name on another website.

What characterises a genuine website?

A genuine website does not offer you money for nothing. It has a clear contact address. There are products or services for sale.

A useful site to visit if you have suspicions about any opportunity is It contains many articles about the more popular scams.

If you are scammed, there is little point in approaching the Police unless the sums of money are big. Instead learn from the experience and educate yourself about scams so as not to make the same mistake twice.

(C) John Lynch

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